Rewind: A Look Back at HireRight’s 2020 Top Blogs
It's time to take a look back at 2020, and explore what topics + content resonated the most with our readers. If you are new to HireRight’s blogs, or just catching up, here’s a look at our top reads from 2020.

As the world grappled with a global pandemic, 2020 presented unprecedented challenges for employers and hiring candidates alike. However, it’s clear that one thing remained unchanged: interest in background and workplace screening. The HireRight team has taken a look back at our top-performing posts from 2020, and found particular interest in three key areas that we want to spotlight before this year officially becomes history.
First, unsurprisingly, COVID-19, and its related effects on the workplace were among our most popular topics, as employers and candidates alike navigated working remotely and eventually returning to the workplace. Second, posts dealing with the candidate experience also generated a great deal of readership in response to the evolving U.S. compliance landscape. And third, we found that our posts on global background screening trends resonated with our readers around the world.
Regardless of whether you are new to HireRight’s blogs, or just catching up, here’s a closer look at our top reads from 2020.
COVID-19 & Its Implications for Employers
Certainly, this year’s pandemic has been top of mind for many reasons, including the global shift to working from home across many industries. This adaptation from in-person to digital workspaces created a lot of questions, and in some cases, headaches for both employers and recruiters.
At the beginning of the pandemic, HireRight helped educated employers on how to prepare to address the concerns of their workers and what they should consider amidst the Coronavirus crisis. As the year, and the pandemic, progressed we continued to provide information about COVID-19 to employers, including Life in the Workplace after COVID-19, and more information specifically for recruiters and HR departments to consider as they adapt their background screening programs – as well as valuable insight for employers to consider as they draft a return-to-work policy.
We are continuing to bring you the latest information around COVID-19, as it relates to employers. Read more of our COVID-19 blog posts from the past year.
Candidate Topics
We know that employers face a lot of challenges around background screening, and candidate issues are a hot topic. Some of our most popular blog posts this year are around those issues that employers and candidates face together.
With Ban-The-Box laws cropping up around the nation, we explored the reasons for giving candidates with criminal records a chance as part of your hiring plan. In the HireRight Benchmark Report, we know that candidate misrepresentation is a huge concern for employers across the globe, and our blog posts on candidates “pants-on-fire” lying and providing false degrees and references were among the most read of the entire year. Another popular post touched on social media background checks, a new way for employers to screen candidates that might show behaviors that could breed workplace toxicity.
A Global Perspective on Background Screening
Background screening is important to employers, not just in the United States, but across the globe. This year we debuted our Behind the Screens series, which allowed us to peek behind the curtain of Background Screening from the perspective from our internal teams, across the world.
Our 2020 Global Benchmark Report surveyed HR professionals from all over the world and provided us with a perspective on what is important in different regions.
We kicked off the series with our APAC region, and they shared with us their thoughts on bringing the right people together across Asia Pacific, and some of the challenges in background screening that are specific to the region, local capabilities, and compliance-led global solutions…all told from our own leaders working behind the “screens.” We spoke with HireRight Global Managers in Japan, India and Australia, each sharing their own unique journey and perspective on Background Screening in each region.
Stay tuned as our Behind the Screens series continues into 2021 looking at different global regions, industries and job functions.
Reading List
Want more? Here is a handy list of our most popular blog posts from 2020. Additionally, check out our blog post that reviews 2020 compliance in background screening.
What Employers Should Consider Amidst the Coronavirus Crisis Moving Forward – Life in the Workplace After COVID-19 COVID-19: What Should Employers Consider As They Adapt Their Background Screening Program? How to Manage Form I-9 amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic COVID-19: What Should Employers Consider as they draft a Return to Work Policy? All COVID-19 Blog Posts
Candidate Issues
Fake Degrees, False References, and CV Lies Revealed Liar, Liar – Your Pants and the Rest of You Are Fired! On Giving Job Candidates With a Criminal Record a Second Chance Social Media Background Checks – An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Global Perspectives
Behind the Screens: Bringing the Right People Together Across Asia Pacific Behind the Screens: Shining a light on background screening in Japan through transparency, education and data Behind the Screens: Driving digital transformation and raising the bar for background screening in India Behind the Screens: From paper files to best practice policy leadership – the transformation of Australia’s background screening industry
Release Date: December 20, 2020

HireRight is a leading provider of on-demand employment background checks, drug and health screening, and electronic Form I-9 and E-Verify solutions that help employers automate, manage and control background screening and related programs.