HireRight to Discuss Challenges of Global Screening at Leading Industry Conference
Mary O’Loughlin, Vice President of Global Customer Experience at HireRight, to host breakout session at NAPBS 2017 Mid-Year Legislative & Regulatory Conference
IRVINE, Calif., March 14, 2017 – HireRight, a leading provider of global employment background checks, drug and health screening, and electronic Form I-9 and E-Verify solutions, today announced its upcoming speaking engagement at the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) 2017 Mid-Year Legislative & Regulatory Conference. Mary O’Loughlin, vice president of global customer experience at HireRight, will share insights into employers’ global background screening programs and best practices for managing the complexities of screening an increasingly global workforce.
Finding quality talent and mitigating personnel risk are core HR functions, but not easy ones due in part to today’s highly mobile and non-traditional (e.g., freelance and contract) workforce. In her conference breakout session, O’Loughlin will draw from HireRight’s 2017 Benchmark Report to highlight the significant changes impacting employers’ background screening programs and how employers are working to address them.
“The workforce is evolving in diverse, exciting ways, and for companies to truly take advantage of global talent they must first understand how to properly navigate the screening process. I am honored to present our benchmark survey findings to some of the country’s leaders in background screening,” said O’Loughlin.
What: Breakout Speaking Session: “Overcoming the New Challenges of Global Background Screening” – Presented by Mary O’Loughlin, Vice President of Global Consumer Experience, HireRight
When: Monday, March 20th at 2:30pm ET
Where: NAPBS 2017 Mid-Year Legislative & Regulatory Conference; Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA
Each hour-long breakout session is open to all conference attendees. To register for the NAPBS conference, please visit www.napbs.com/events/2017-midyear-conference.
About HireRight
HireRight delivers global background checks, drug testing, employment, and education verification services through an innovative platform to help companies hire the right candidates, so they can grow successfully, and efficiently—no matter their size or where they operate. HireRight offers extensive screening solutions that can be tailored to the unique needs of the organization, giving employers additional peace of mind about their people and vetting processes. HireRight’s platform can be integrated with existing HR platforms, making it easy to use and giving candidates the best possible experience.
HireRight is headquartered in Irvine, CA, with offices across the globe. Learn more at www.HireRight.com.

HireRight is a leading provider of on-demand employment background checks, drug and health screening, and electronic Form I-9 and E-Verify solutions that help employers automate, manage and control background screening and related programs.
Release Date: March 14, 2017